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Investing in Girl’s Education

Best Road to Development

“Education represents the hopes, dreams and aspirations of children, families, communities and nations around the world—the most reliable route out of poverty and a critical pathway towards healthier, more productive citizens and stronger societies. Not surprisingly, when people are asked to list their priorities, education tops survey after survey, poll after poll.

There is consensus at virtually every level, from the poorest family in the most remote village to the global policy leaders who are shaping the world’s future development goals: education matters diagnosed hearing impairment who struggles at school.

As the international community renews and expands its commitments as part of the post-2015 development agenda, we must focus on these children, and the millions of others struggling to realise their right to an education—and to fulfil their dreams for a better future. By working together and promoting greater investment, we can and must dismantle the barriers that stand in their way, one by one—and in doing so, deliver on our global promise of education for every child” .

Irina Bukova       UNESCO Director General and Anthony Lake Unicef, Executive Director.

General aims and objectives of the conference:

The education of our children has several components. It is not only about going to school, which indeed  plays the main role in paving the way for a better future for children. In addition to obtaining formal education in schools, families and communities have to play a role, especially when it comes to character building of young boys and girls.

Indeed schools, families and civil society need to collaborate more closely to turn young people into responsible agents of positive change at community and national levels.

In many modern societies, the authority of both parents and school officials is being questioned.  Some of this is healthy, some of it is not.

What stands behind the deterioration of some key human values – including respect and integrity – in our educational systems and, indeed, in society in general? What stands in the way of allowing girls to achieve their full potential?

There are indications that investing in the education of girls is one of the best ways of fostering economic development and in advancing key human values. Empowering the neglected side of the gender equation including young girls and those with disabilities can bring multiple benefits, not only for girls and women themselves, but also for societies in general.

Under the Right to Education Act, all children have the right to go to school. Additional financial resources have been provided for children with disabilities to attend mainstream schools and for the adaptation of school infrastructure. (UN, Unesco).

This conference aims to analyse various aspects of the problems facing the education of girls in order to propose solutions that seek to increase their opportunities to contribute more fully to human progress. This will be done by a number of distinguished speakers from different nations and cultures. Their insights are based on real life examples as well as personal political engagement. They will also address the barriers which confront girls who are marginalised further due to varying factors.

There will be time allocated for specific questions and discussion.         Dr. Shantu Watt

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